Freelance Writer

Copywriting. Content Writing. Editing.


A picture of the author and a snowman friend

Writer ∙ Researcher ∙ Creative

Plant Lover ∙ Coffee Drinker ∙ Friend of Animals

  • Hi, I'm Rachel.

    I'm a content creator with 4+ years of experience.

    I write articles, copy, blog posts, and produce content for landing pages, social media, and websites.

    I'm currently based in Japan, but I work with clients all around the globe.

  • Advertising copy for all platforms ∙ SEO (SquareSpace, WordPress) ∙ Social Media Posts ∙ Blog Posts ∙ Messages & Marketing Emails ∙ Content Planning ∙ Content Calendars ∙ Editing & Proofreading

    Research ∙ Flexibility ∙ Project Management

  • Once upon a time, I was a bioethics researcher at a university, and spent my time writing copy on the side. After realising that the path to academia wasn’t for me, I decided to side-step away from teaching young adults to teaching preschool instead. I retrained, and began teaching littles (2-5 year-olds) in Japan. I spent almost a decade herding littles – guiding them in handling their big feelings, singing songs, dancing dances, crafting crafts, and telling stories.

    And then life gave me some lemons. I decided to lean into it, and turn the lemons into the start of a new and exciting career as a writer. 

    Though it might look a little different these days, I still tell stories. These stories take the form of destination articles for online travel guides, or as copy for blogs and landing pages. I help my clients achieve what they want by telling their stories. I craft the content and social media communications strategies for brands, retailers, and clients to get the results they desire.

    Are you looking for someone to tell your stories? Let's get in touch.

Let’s get in touch.